Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

teories of learning

Level of learner
1. Surface learners( consumer knowledge)
The characteristics:
Easily satisfied to pass/master the materials minimally
Achieving/passing grade score(2.0/C) or (3,0/B)
Just like swimmers of surface of water/campers
Poor mastery and sources of learning
Imitator and receiver
2. Deep learners( researcher and programmer)
The characteristics:
Satisfied when mastering/passing with maximum quality
Archiving/passing top score (4,0/A+)
Like diver to touch sea base/climbers
Rich mastery and sources of learning
3. Achiever learner( philosophers/thinkers/creator of arts and technology)
Unlimited sources and mastery of learning
Unlimited by score of achievement
Like explorer under the sea base (racers)
Schools of learning theories
1. Behaviorism
a. Founder and developers :
Ivan Pavlov: stimulus – responses – chains
Skinner: reward and punishment
Watson: reinforcement between + and -.
b. Philosophical roots: realism →experimentalist → empires’→ positivism → behaviorism
c. Principles of learning: learning takes place because of stimulus and responses chains that produce mechanistic behaviors.
d. Application in learning: drill methods to make habits. Ex; speaking, driving, etc.
e. Strength: the skills to be driver are observable and measurable.

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