Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

teories of learning

Level of learner
1. Surface learners( consumer knowledge)
The characteristics:
* Easily satisfied to pass/master the materials minimally
* Achieving/passing grade score(2.0/C) or (3,0/B)
* Just like swimmers of surface of water/campers
* Poor mastery and sources of learning
* Imitator and receiver
2. * Deep learners( researcher and programmer)
The characteristics:
* Satisfied when mastering/passing with maximum quality
* Archiving/passing top score (4,0/A+)
* Like diver to touch sea base/climbers
* Rich mastery and sources of learning
* developer
3. Achiever learner( philosophers/thinkers/creator of arts and technology)
* Unlimited sources and mastery of learning
* Unlimited by score of achievement
* Like explorer under the sea base (racers)
* Innovator

Schools of learning theories
1. Behaviorism
a. Founder and developers :
Ivan Pavlov: stimulus – responses – chains
Skinner: reward and punishment
Watson: reinforcement between + and -.
b. Philosophical roots: realism →experimentalist → empires’→ positivism → behaviorism
c. Principles of learning: learning takes place because of stimulus and responses chains that produce mechanistic behaviors.
d. Application in learning: drill methods to make habits. Ex; speaking, driving, etc.
e. Strength: the skills to be driver are observable and measurable.

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